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>> Upgrade your Money Mindset

>> Unlock your Ability to Receive

>> Uplevel your Capacity to Call in Abundance without doing #allthethings

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Ready to step into BEING the wealthiest woman you know?

Here’s the red hot truth about that:

You’ve been down the money mindset rabbit hole and you’ve noticed that it’s not quite as simple as repeating “I am rich” over and over until $100 bills start raining down from the heavens.

You also deep down KNOW in your soul that hashing out every limiting belief, every ‘block’ and reliving every moment you heard your parents tell you ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’.. Isn’t getting you any closer to welcoming in the level of abundance you KNOW you’re meant to have.

So basically you're stuck between just pretending it's all OK or looking at everything that's not OK and it's frustrating AF
because deep down you KNOW it shouldn’t feel this hard and you can’t shake that feeling that you’re meant to receive oh so much more.

You might even feel pretty good around money but GAWD do you ever struggle to find the time to knock things off of your to-do list.

And I mean le DUH, you obviously want to welcome in more clients and cash but you have a sneaky feeling that your lack of energy and time might be blocking dat flow.

You’re DONE settling for ‘good enough’.

You’re ready to OPEN UP to receive more in ALL areas of your life:

Money & Wealth? Here for it!!!
Energy? Teach me how to leverage that magic.
Time? Help me bend time? Take my money.
Ease? You’re DONE with the hustle now let’s get you turning on that flow.



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But the problem is you don’t know how to do so without spending exactly 2 hours journaling in your notebook every damn day.

And let’s get real….
If that was the real secret we’d all be rich.

(And probably have carpal tunnel syndrome too!)

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Well my love, I’ve got good news for you:

What I’ve noticed over the last decade of my personal & business journey…

Is that how you do and receive ONE thing in your life is how you do it all.


You can’t just focus on making more money if you want to step into true abundance.

You can’t just repeat some affirmation to hit 10k months if you’re not OPEN to receiving it in a way that FEELS really MF good.

You can’t feel abundant in ONE area in your life, feel scarce AF in another and expect that big manifestation of yours (ya know like your next 20k month) come waltzing in.

It’s just NOT how Abundance works.

I know. I know. This might feel REAL frustrating, but let me tell you a story...

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Loves 4 years ago (almost to this day) I had 10k on my credit card, exactly $5.13 in my bank account and I had to ask my husband to buy me some cheap face wash from the grocery store because I couldn’t fucking afford it.

I’ve gone from struggling and hustling my bubbly behind off trying to sell $100 one off sessions to closing out 90k sales months…

From hearing “I can’t afford it” over and over again with 1k packages to having a waitlist of women ready to pay 18k to work with me 1:1 because they feel like the value is 10x that (also-it is).

From being all up in my recovering perfectionist type A ‘work hard to get the thing girl’ to…

Planning out pool parties as a part of my launch strategy (that led me to a 150k launch) because I KNOW how to leverage my energy & time and I now know what it looks like to be in the vibe of abundance with ALL of the resources we have in our business and lives.

And if I’m really honest?

I feel like I’ve cracked the Abundance Code and I’m level 10, rolling in a pile of puppies excited to walk you through exactly how you can open up to receive more abundance in all areas of your life than your beautiful brain ever imagined was possible before.

And if this can happen for the girl who couldn't even afford face wash... trust me. It can happen for you too!

You Ready?


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More than an online program.
More than just money mindset.
More than a superficial ‘could have googled that’ course.

This is the portal to you stepping into your power around attracting, receiving and holding abundance in ALL areas of your business and life. 

Without having to spend alllll your time focused on biz strategy.

And of course blow up your business and bank account at the same time. 


Hi, have we met?

I'm Elise Danielle

Mother of Labradoodle(s)
Breaker of Limiting Beliefs & Old School Business BS
Keeper of Mindset Magic

I’m known in the online space as being a badass business mentor and mindset coach who’s obsession & gift is helping you create a wildly purposeful and profitable business that serves you as much as you love to serve your humans.

I teach my people how to grow and scale businesses that defy the ‘rules’ of marketing and logic without doing #allthethings.

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Since starting this business just under four years ago, we’ve grown to $400k cash in a calendar year with numbers that don’t make ‘sense’.

Creating nonsensical conversions are my jam like hitting multiple 6 figures by year 2 in my business with only 850 people in my Facebook group, having 150k launches & 90k months with a total audience of under 5000 followers (yup including all my socials & email list). You bet your cute butt I know a thing about helping you create a whole lot of money without doing more work.

Guiding you how to blow up your version of a wildly purposeful & profitable business is my zone of genius.

I’m obsessed with helping you shorten your timeline by creating a rock-solid mindset and business that feels fun AF to run.
(Hint: when you unlock the abundance code and are making REAL good money doing what you love it's hard for it NOT to feel fun AF).

The business I’ve built and the level of abundance I GET to receive feels really damn good (not gonna lie).

But it didn’t always feel this magical until I started to look more holistically at how I was thinking, feeling and BEING around all of my resources in business in life: my money, energy, ease & time.

And I started to do the real work (note I didn’t say hard) that I teach in this program..

That’s when everything shifted for me.

So what exactly does it mean to unlock your Abundance Code?

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It means opening up ALL the gates to receive ALL the resources that lead to true wealth and abundance in your life.










The thing is. You can’t feel scarce in one of these areas and then feel abundant in another.

It’s WHY you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in business.

Why no matter how much work you put in, you get out the same result.

Why you feel like maybe you can receive clients, but you’re always exhausted and running out of time.


What I know to be true is that TRUE abundance, rock solid, soul shaking receivership comes from opening up all these portals to your wealth.

And when you learn HOW these are each connected within you.

When you get simple, easy to access tools to unlock your unique beliefs.

When you learn how to shift your mind, your thoughts and how you BE around them.

When you learn how to look at the things that don’t serve you without making yourself wrong...

You can unlock the key to you knowing exactly how to open up to receive abundance in all areas of your life.

And btw- isn't that the WHOLE point of this business thing?

Not just to have more money but to have TRUE abundance in all areas?

You picking up what I’m putting down?

Knowing HOW to think about abundance, getting support to explore the beliefs & feelings that are hardwired in your brain & body (& creating your current reality) and learning how to shift them in a way that feels GOOD, builds up trust within yourself and just makes you feel fucking unstoppable, is the KEY to you unlocking your code.



This is all about learning HOW to think about abundance not WHAT to think..
Ie. Think getting YOUR code vs. copying someone else's affirmation.

This program will give you my step-by-step framework for tapping into your mindset and show you how to unlock your unique abundance code so that you know exactly what you need to do to create record breaking income months and a business that is blowing up in a way that feels really fucking good to you (over and over again).

Oh and did I mention that this will take you 30 minutes a day tops?

And if you can't spend 30 minutes a day on receiving and abundance love, then we have serious problems to solve!

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Because when you discover the threads in your abundance code, there’s no need to go digging to see what limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck.

You’ll know exactly what you need to do to keep opening up your arms and literally let in your abundance of money, energy, ease and time flow on in.

Loves, it’s TIME to step into more abundance in all aspects of your business & life.

The Abundance Code Program is about way more than just creating more money.

It’s a holistic process designed to help you remove any blocks in your way to letting the abundance you were born to receive come flowing into ALL areas of your life.

(Especially those sneaky sub-conscious ones)





$888 USD

Paid in Full


2 x $499 USD Monthly


Program Breakdown

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Let it go

The path to abundance starts with clearing out all the old BS that’s been holding you back from opening up your energy, mindset and your soul to what you really want to create.

You’re going to learn my tried and trusted mindset & manifestation method so you can lay the foundation for your receivership and get clear on what you’re about to open up to for the next 6 weeks.

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Welcome in Wealth

We’re talking more than just money honey.

This is about embodying your next level Rich Bitch energy.

Call it big p*ss energy, call it wealthy woman vibes- we don’t care what you call it but after learning how to release & heal your old limiting money beliefs you’ll learn how to BE-IN the energy that allows the money to flow to you.

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Engage Your Energy 

In order to create more without doing more you need to know how to leverage your energy.

You’re going to learn the 2 main ways you can engage your energy and how you can utilise your most precious resource to create more in your life without doing more.

If you think more wealth and abundance means more work on the front end- you my love are in for a big surprise.

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Bend/Expand Time

Think time is static? Wish that you could create more time in your business and life?

Well buckle up buttercup- Imma show you how to step into an abundance of time. Get ready to ditch that scarcity and learn how to be a creator of your clock.

Because you know that you can’t manifest those riches if you’re feeling like you’re behind the 8-ball all the time right? Get ready to be back in the driver's seat of your day and learn how to bend time.

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Elevate into Ease

You know that monthly money goal that you’ve been aiming for what feels like years? Consider the culprit found.
We’re gonna get you stepping up your receivership game in a big way. Get ready to add another zero on the back of your signature offer (without throwing up this time after saying it out-loud).

You’re going to learn exact practices and actions to take to feel GOOD (like cheating the system good) about doing LESS & receiving MORE.

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Unlock Your Abundance Code

I’m handing you the keys to your Abundant Kingdom baby!!!

You’re gonna learn how to tap into your inspired action (so that keeping this good stuff going feels easeful) and you’ll learn how to uncover your unique abundance code.

Get ready to keep upping the abundance anti and embody this work so that you keep expanding into receiving more in ALL areas of your life.

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6 Mind-Bending, Energy Uplifting Trainings (Value: $2997)

You’ll clear out the hidden beliefs that have been holding you back for far too long in a way that feels safe, supported and simple. Pinky Swear. No overcomplicating here. We’re going deep but I know how to guide you to pin-point the junk that’s in your way so that you can uplevel your energy fast and start moving toward what you want now. (It’s kinda my thing).

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Weekly Mindset & Energy Work (Value: $497)

Boring long-ass worksheets? Not what you’ll find here. A carefully curated guide to mindset practices that you can implement in just 10 minutes a day that deliver the goods? Now we’re talking.


And your exclusive BONUS training:

Quick Cash Injection Manifestation Training & Meditation

Want to inject some cold hard cash quick-fast? Ready to learn how to tap into your highest self, leverage the magic of group energy and elevate your energy so that you can kick start your money manifestation and bring in those dolla’ bills asap? I got you boo! When you register to join us, you’ll get access to this magic Quick Cash Injection Manifestation the week before we kick off so that you can get stuck in and start aligning your energy to that abundance you’re ready to receive NOW!

(Value: $597)


Total Value = $5,587

Now here's the part where I tell you what a STEAL this is right?

Well here’s the truth, it IS priced at an incredibly accessible rate and the value you'll get is 10x what you invest because this IS an investment into YOU, your energy and your brain.

This is you taking the first step into your Abundant AF future and the uncapped and unlimited abundance that is waiting for you on the other side.

And I promise you THAT is always an investment worth making (just see what my clients have said about that below)

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Sale Ends Soon!!



$1111 USD

$888 USD

Paid in Full


2 x $499 USD Monthly


You ready to unlock your unique Abundance Code & welcome more money, wealth, energy and ease into your business and life than ever before?


client love



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Think I’m just a special snowflake who has magical unicorns that shoot out of my butt and dolla’ bills that fly down upon me when I snap my fingers?

Think again ;) 

Meet my client Ana.

Ana came to me feeling capped at 2k-5k months and was feeling hella frustrated wondering WHY it was so hard to gain any traction in her business.

She was doing the things she had been told to do by all the online gurus but still wasn’t seeing the results come in.

She’d even invested in a coach before - only to be disappointed with the support she received (sound familiar?).

She felt like she couldn’t get in front of the right people, like she had just been lucky with the past clients and sales she made before and had no idea how to replicate it again.

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When we dove deeper we discovered that trusting herself and her decisions was a big piece of her money-making puzzle (as it so often is right?).


Her self-trust took off from her decision to hire me so we could work on her ability to welcome in more money and wealth and ALL the abundant resources into her life.

Together we went through my tried and trusted mindset & manifestation method to clear out the BS that was blocking her flow and got to work on opening her up to receive more (without doing all the things) so that she could start hitting those shiny income goals (whilst creating more time, energy & ease in her life to have more play time with her kids and family and more personal time for herself).

Her goal in our time together was to hit consistent 5k months, with a stretch goal of 10k…

Here’s what happened for her just 12 weeks later after implementing the work that I teach in The Abundance Code:

The DAY after signing up to work with me, she hit her first 10k month (that’s the power of making big bold energetically grounded decisions my loves).

By week 10 she had signed enough clients to quit her 9-5.

By week 12 she’d had her first 30k sales month (just over 20k CASH!)

Not from more hustle.

But from walking through the steps I’ll be teaching you in The Abundance Code.

Now the only question is are you ready to join her along with the other women that are deciding it’s their turn to turn on the tap of Abundance?


Still scrolling? Got Questions? Let’s get those answered right now: 


+ How long is the program?

6 weeks! You'll get access to the entire program straight away and can delve into the modules at your own pace. The magic of this is that you get to use it to work for you. You can dive in and binge it all at once, you can tap into the modules that you feel called to and you can come back to this time and time again when you're ready for your next energetic money upgrade.

+ What if I change my mind?

No refunds my sweets. But the resounding feedback on this program is that it's a magical vortex of abundance that you get to tap into again and again so I highly doubt you're mind won't be blown when you join us ! I pride myself on always giving you my best and have created this intentionally for you and your big beautiful manifestations!

+ Is this for me?

Do you want to make more money, do you want to feel less time stress and scarcity? Do you want to learn how to leverage your energy to receive more instead of working harder? Wanna experience more ease with receiving good shit in your life? Then yes yes and yes. I truly believe this program is a game changer to any business owner (or human) at any stage of your journey.

+ Can I take this next time?

This is not a program I launch regularly and have different visions for the content so I wouldn't wait. AND if you want to create more Abundance, why would you deprive yourself of that now my love only to wait to receive it later?

Seriously, this is THE STUFF everyone always says they wished they would have focused on sooner and it's the THING that will make evertything else work and flow in your business and life.

+ I have more questions:

No probs! Email us at and we’ll answer them.

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Sale Ends Soon!!



$1111 USD

$888 USD

Paid in Full


2 x $499 USD Monthly


Get ready to unlock your unique Abundance Code & welcome more money, wealth, energy and ease into your business and life than ever before!