
Teri Nelson

"I signed 3 new clients in just 6 weeks !

The Abundance Code helped me take a look at how my energy has been scattered in a million things and how I attached my results to how much time I put into my business.

I have a full time job that takes a lot of my energy and so the way you have enlightened me with your energy perspective has been life changing. I have stolen your thought of I'm doing enough and I'm doing it right! That has caused me to feel relief and calm when I am not able to work in my business. So when I notice I don't have time one day or another to work in my business, I remind my brain that I have so much value out there already.

My aligned ready clients can find me when searching for me and it's working, so I'm not stopping my processes. It has really helped me let go of the tightness in my body when I don't work in my business. My primary limiting beliefs around money we're not enough, never enough, limited source to receive etc.

As a result of your program, I have been unpacking all the stuff around these thoughts. So it's been so helpful to just acknowledge these patterns arising whenever I log into my bank account or even purchase dinner for my family on a Friday. I acknowledge and most of the time laugh like "oh how interesting". I acknowledge the scarcity feelings and knots in my stomach and just let it be till it goes.
My thoughts I'm practicing are I am open and available for money to constantly circulate in my life and I am open and available for all of God's goodness and miracles. Helps me to feel open and free and available.

I am so grateful that I have found you!!! I am one of those people who will be a "repeat" Elise client for all the goodness you have to offer. I expect to one day join your mastermind CCC, and also invest in one on one. That's part of my intentional goals. Thanks again for making such a difference in my life in this short time."

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