
Tracey Pattison

I instantly landed a $10k client, then 2 days later another one and by the end of our time together I had reached my absolute cap in food consultancy work which is now completely secured with an on-going minimum of $30k months #mindblown

Elise has a wonderful way of blending the here-and-now practical knowledge that support the change you seek along with a cosmic, universal and spiritual twist added in for good measure. She is also as authentic within the space as she is on her social media platforms PLUS I simply LOVE all the wonderfully delicious references to food that are constantly made! :-)

I had a pretty epic outcome that blew me away week in week out. I like to refer to it as though I had turned on an Abundance Tap that just kept flowing - I called in two incredible clients that are now ongoing and are simply unicorns in that its the work I simply adore, paid at my highest premium WITH all the working ‘conditions” I never thought would ever be possible in my food consultancy biz i.e. to be able to work in and around our family and my personal needs first!

Honestly, hand-on-heart, its an almighty oh-Goddess YES! If you’re truly open to receiving in a way like you’ve never done before, then I know you’ll unlock your personal Abundance Code just like I did.”

Elise DanielleComment