Episode 38: Three things I Did to go From 0 to 10k months in Under 12 Weeks

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Have you ever felt frustrated that you don’t feel like you have enough raving testimonials or feel like you haven’t been in business long enough to be able to show up in a way that’s gonna get you signing clients and hitting that infamous 10k month (again and again?)

I hear you, I see you and I’ve TOTALLY been in your shoes. 

When I started this business up just over 3 years ago, I had literally burnt my previous business to the ground, essentially ‘failed’ and fired all my clients, shut down my membership and had exactly zero dollars (actually negative 10k to be clear) and had no idea HOW I was going to start a new one and scale it in record time. 

I’ve been hearing this question a TON from clients and you beautiful humans in my Facebook Group: The Purpose Driven Badass Entrepreneur..

So I felt like it was high time I walk you down memory lane for a hot minute to let you in on the Three Biggest things I did to go from  zero business -10k months in under 12 weeks (to be exact it was: $11937 cash in hand… )

If you’ve ever felt like: 

** You don’t have enough experience in the online space to show up in a way that will help you easily sign clients (aka.. Have a lot of financial wins to share!)

** You don’t have a big enough audience to sign the level or amount of clients you want to sign (hot tip I had 40 people in my group when I hit my first 10k in SALES just 6 weeks in- so I’m calling BS on that belief my love)

** You have to hit big financial wins in your business BEFORE you can sign high end clients…

** You have to ‘hide’ your real business journey from your audience because you’re afraid you’ll get ‘found out’ for not being as experienced as you *think* you need to be 

I’m straight up calling it…

This is the MOST important podcast episode you could ever listen to because I’m about to lovingly call BS on those beliefs of yours my love and show you the ONLY 3 things that really matter and how you can get to that infamous 10k month REAL QUICK! 

So what are we waiting for right? Press play and let’s dive in!

PS… Did you hear??

This month as a special 10k Anniversary Celebration, I’ve decided to offer you beauties the chance of getting in on a 6 Figure 2021 Mid Year Strategy Session 

This is for you IF…

**You’re wanting to hit 6 Figures this year and you’re not sure exactly how to make that happen
** You want my expert eyes on your Mindset, Messaging & Momentum Strategy so that you know exactly what to focus on NOW to start hitting 10k months on repeat
** You’re a smart cookie and know that I NEVER do free sessions so you’re keen to jump on this limited time opportunity. 

I only have 5 spots this month so if you’re ready to map out your plan to finally hit your goal of hitting 6 Figures this 2021, this is your chance to get my help to do so! 

It’s first come first serve and these WILL go fast!! 

Grab your spot here:


Want to find out more about working with me? https://www.elisedanielle.com/coaching/6-month-program 

Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com/

Instagram: @elise_danielle_

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen