Episode 202: How to UN-F*CK Your Sales (How I Made 20k Off of 1 Story with 100 Views)


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Really fun episode for you, but I would feel like every other marketer in the online space, yes, loves, we’re getting sassy, if I didn’t share this next bit to go with this excellent episode and title.

I have been REALLY fucking intentional about the way I have grown and scaled my business.

I have been playing the long game since Day 1 and I’ve put a lot of time and energy into the really core areas of my business that create these magical kinds of sales.

I am a MASTER of conversions. I have a very small audience. The money we make shouldn’t make sense. Our conversion rates shouldn’t make sense. I LOVE to break the fucking rules and do shit MY WAY in business and that’s unleashing even more.

Know that whilst this is absolutely possible for you. And this happens to my clients ALL THE DAMN TIME. It’s NOT a secret. It’s not this magical thing that isn’t available for you. It is absolutely available for you if you’re willing to lean into the support, the skills, the strategy, and the mindset that really goes into being able to show up like someone who really commands that level of attention and TRUST HERSELF to create those kinds of results.

I wanted to add this caveat because I hate that shit when there’s hooks like this and there’s no context of what actually goes into these kinds of results.

If you’re craving more simple, streamlined scalability. If you’re wanting to have more GROUNDED GROWTH..meaning you have multiple 5 Figures in recurring revenue mapped out for the rest of 2024 like me and my clients..

So that you can create more revenue NOW whilst laying down the foundations for year on year exponential growth. 

This is for you if you desire to STOP wasting your energy trying to figure out what the secret is to getting more random sales in the DMs and instead get the personalised support you're missing to create tailor-made strategies and robust foundations to create more coherence and CASH in your company.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in you NEED to apply for my INNER CIRCLE. This is grounded growth. It’s your one stop shop to step into simple, soulful, streamlined scalability by multiplying your monthly recurring revenue and getting personalised IN IT with you suppor for a predictable path to consistent 20k months and beyond.

Apply NOW to get a personalised strategy audit.

When you submit your application for the NEXT week only, I’ll send YOU a personalised strategy walking through exactly what I see us doing together, the strategies we’d create and implement to create more grounded growth and your personalised pathway to PREDICTABLE INCOME and exponential yearly growth.

I could do this shit with my eyes closed after creating this for the last 5 years of my business and I WANT to help YOU with it.

Business isn’t meant to feel as hard as it may feel. As crunchy. Or even if you’re feeling like it’s good, but it could be better. Fuck good. You’re meant for greatness! Apply now here: https://form.typeform.com/to/aDmQmHJx

I can’t wait to hear from you. If you have any questions, DM me on IG and let’s speak about it.

Ok love. Let’s dive in!

Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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