Episode 173: BTS of what's been going on for me in Biz + Life (+ cool girl confessional)


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Truth time my loves??

There has been A LOT going on behind the scenes that I haven’t shared until now.

BUT it’s time to share all the deets of what’s been going on BTS, not just of the business, but also in my personal life, and some realisations that I’ve had recently.

Join me to hear:

>> My recent ah-ha moment around letting go of the 'cool girl' persona and how that's been holding me back

>> HOW hubs and I just made 6 Figures on a Real Estate Investment (and how the MINDSET behind this is the ONLY reason we're walking away with a penny + the only reason why I've been able to grow and sustain multi 6 Figures for the past 4 years)

>>  The ONE shift you can make today (and the journaling question to ask yourself) to set you up for HUGE financial growth in your business (if you're willing to actually DO it)

>> What 'secret' offer I launched BTS and the NEW evolution of Elise Danielle

I don’t know about you BUT I love BTS podcast episodes so I can hear what’s going on for other people and use them as a reminder to continuously upgrade my mindset and get inspiration for the next direction of my business too!

Let’s Dive Right In!


I’m hosting a FREE MASTERCLASS: The 10k Runway

Sign up for my FREE Masterclass below to learn HOW to turn your business into an authentic, customised client conversion machine and create a pipeline of hell yes clients and your bespoke right-fit strategy to sell out anything you touch and create your Runway to repeatable 10k months. 


Sign up now and then tune into this episode to create mastery around these 3 things and begin to understand the secret sauce to what is going to work for you and your business.

PS. Don’t forget to DM me on IG to let me know your biggest takeaway from this episode!


DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_

Apply for upcoming 1:1 coaching spots: https://elisedanielle.satoriapp.com/offers/153990-coaching-consultation

Join us in the Purpose Driven Badass Entrepreneur Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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