Episode 207: I've Been Hiding From You For a Year + I'm Ready to Share Why (Part 1)
I can’t TELL YOU how scare-cited I am to be back.
Scared because - WOWZAZ I think this is the MOST vulnerable episode I’ve ever recorded.
Excited because honestly, this feels like a HUGE elephant off my chest to be able to be candid and also at a place emotionally where it feels right to share this with you.
If you missed the Instagram post that went viral (check it out here), I shared the WHY behind how I’ve been hiding from you this year and why I really felt the need to pause the podcast.
But let’s be real, ONE carousel post does not really lean into the level of transparency I wanted to share with you, so here we are.
I’m sharing why my life has been one big shit show after another this past year (really two but you’ll see)….
The event that happened that was highly traumatic for me in March, and how that triggered some seriously BURRIED big T and little t and how I’ve been navigating and working through it all.
And how I’ve navigated really giving myself space to GO THERE and process my emotions in a way I never have before and the shame I’ve felt for not growing the business in the way I planned to this year.
I’m not going to lie, this is a HARD share so it would mean the WORLD to me if you hop on over to Instagram and let me know if you’ve given it a listen…
I would LOVE and appreciate your feedback and if this resonates or you’re going through it, I’m here to send you love - and I truly mean it.
My intention for this episode is that if this helps even ONE person who’s currently going through it and gives hope that you’re certainly NOT alone that you’re experience is valid and you’re a brave AF human for really letting yourself GO there and take the time out required to have space to process and heal…
If it helps ONE person feel seen in the shit that IS shadow work and that even though dark nights of the soul are MF dark… you will survive and find deeper levels of self-trust than you’ve ever known…
I’ll be a very happy human indeed.
Let’s dive in.
OH and PS... If you haven't already noticed, the VIBE over here is changing in a big way.
I'm in the middle of elevating the ways we get to co-create and I can't fucking wait to let the cat out of the bag.
If you’re ready to embody your big girl leadership where we embrace the shadow to unleash the unlearning required to transform and step into a RICH + RESOURCED biz + life…
DM me on IG NOW to find out about my 1:1 coaching - my rates will be going up in 2025 so now is the time to reach out to find out more about my NEW VIP container.
Or better yet, book in a time on my coveted calendar so we can talk about what YOUR next evolution looks like and how I can support you to step into this next chapter as your most untamed, unapologetic authentic AF self so that you can move from making a cute little income to truly creating MILLIONS + A MISSION THAT MATTERS.
Ok, let’s do this. Press play!
Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_