Episode 204: Steal my Scalability Framework (The How Behind My Business's Sustainability During a Few Really Hard 'Life' Years)
This has been on my heart for a while to share so I really wanted to open up my Scalability Playbook, if you will.
These are the three Foundations that have enabled me to not only GROW but SUSTAIN my multi-6 Figure business especially over the last two years that has been a bit of a shit-show personally.
Tune in to learn:
>> The exact strategies and steps behind my Simple Scalability Framework that you can steal to create more intentionality and fast-track your way to Multiple 6 Figures
>> Exactly how this has 'saved' my business - truly I wouldn't be here after the shit show of the last 2 years if this wasn't in place
>> How to marry the strategic "external' moves with the deep inner work to create the kind of alignment that catapults you into your next level
I wanted to walk you through the intricacies behind this and share the skills and the strategies and steps behind my Simples Scalability Framework because I really want you to STEAL THIS and create a fuck ton more intentionality and really allow you to fast track your way to multiple 6-Figures THIS YEAR.
I don’t care what stage of business you’re at.
It doesn’t matter whether you feel like you are behind the mark or on track I know this is going to REALLY serve you to create more intentionality and fast track your business to that next level this year.
Annnd if your heart is really feeling like “YESSS this is what I need. This is the way I want to scale. This is the only kind of scalability I’m available for.” YOU are my SOULMATE client. You are the kind of person I would LOVE to invite to work with me in a really intimate level.
I am taking my last couple of clients for the YEAR and I would LOVE to speak with you if you’re ready to do things differently and you resonate with creating a RICH + RESOURCED business and you really care about enjoying the PATH to your next 300k as much as you desire to create the external abundance then I believe deeply in my soul that this was destined for YOU.
There is an application to make sure this is a magic fit so if you’re curious to learn how we can fast-track your path to 200k+ this year, apply here ASAP because these spots will NOT last long.
Once you apply I'll reach out in 48 hours with some thoughts on the exact holistic strategy, scalable business pathway and how I'd love to take a holistic focus on leveraging your energy/intuition and innate gifts as your north star to collapse time and get you living your dream life NOW.
If that feels like you’re something you’re into and you would love to get my perspective on your business don’t miss this opportunity because you literally get me outlining a strategy for you.
I would LOVE to really invite you to move. And to take action from that place of where you want to be and use this as an exercise to do just that.
If you have any questions please feel free to DM me on IG. The fastest way to get my feedback is to fill this out >> https://form.typeform.com/to/aDmQmHJx
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Let’s dive in.
Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen