Episode 63: Worthiness & Wealth
Woah! That’s a big topic right?
Today my loves I wanted to share with you my mindset & philosophy on HOW you can expand your ability to receive and your capacity to grow your abundance & all of your resources.
I’m a big believer that TRUE Abundance & Wealth is created by abundance in ALL of your resources: your energy, money, time and ease..
So today I wanted to share with you my mindset around Wealth and Worthiness so that you can learn:
** What this REALLY means & looks like practically in you business
** How I think of this and how I teach my clients to look at this so that they can exponentially grow their wealth
** Answers to your questions about how to navigate feeling ‘worthy enough’ to charge a certain amount of money for your services
** The cardinal sin we make when we link our worth to our wealth (why to avoid it and HOW to shift this)
This is such a powerful episode, and I know that the shifts I’m sharing are going to help you tap into this and receive this in a way that helps you embody your wealthiest self ever!!! (I’ve infused it with extra good vibes to help you!)
So if you’ve ever questioned your worth or your ability to create the desires you WANT. If you’ve ever second guessed that your people will think your offers are ‘good enough’ and if you’ve ever had that lingering feeling that ONCE you hit x income or sign x clients that THEN you’ll be fully confident in your ability to create the success you want..
PS.. Did you hear??
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Take it now to find out what your fav cocktail says about your abundance and exactly what you need to do to increase that asap!
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