3 Ways You Can Show Up & Still Make Sales Right Now

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We've all been bombarded by different messaging in the online space about what you should be doing with your business during COVID-19. Sell, don't sell. Market, don't market. Take a break, don't take a break.

WTF is right for YOU?

I want to be clear: There's no right or wrong decision here. Everything I share is to support you and the growth of your business, so by no means am I saying it's wrong if you don't want to move the needle forward with your business right now. You need to do what's best for you and your family during this chaotic time. 


What I know damn well is business, and what I know to be true is if you genuinely want to create more financial stability, grow your business, navigate this time well and not just tread water, we want to SUSTAIN the growth you have. And maybe even kick it up a notch!

When we are in a state of stress and overwhelm, it's easy to get locked in and STUCK in those feelings and lose the big picture of where we want to go.

But you want to come out on the other side with a business that has SURVIVED and grown STRONGER. I'm going to walk you through three ESSENTIAL things you need to be doing. If you want to THRIVE this pandemic and continue to make money (and even INCREASE your cash and clients) I 100% know that’s possible for you (becuase my clients and I are doing this right now).

Here’s HOW you can make that happen in your business too:

1. Mindset: Separate how you're FEELING personally from what your business plan is for the next three months.

With the current situation, how family life has changed, more people in the house, ALL the feelings are happening right now, and rightfully so. It's time to process those feelings and separate them from your business. 

Again. I'm not saying sweep this under the rug. In fact, I'm saying the exact opposite - this has an impact on how you're showing up. So if you're not addressing it and letting yourself FEEL the feels and THEN getting clear about how you feel personally and how you feel about your business, you're going to make it so much harder for yourself to figure out what you're going to do, what to sell, and what the game plan is. 

One of the biggest killers to success I see is misplacing how we’re feeling personally into how we’re feeling about our business, when in fact it’s not necessarily a business issue.

And loves, this situation isn't going anywhere anytime soon. This is why It's imperative to cultivate this mindset and perspective NOW, so you don't continue to feel like you're getting swept under one current after the other. 

One of the exercises I walk my clients through is taking inventory of your thoughts first thing in the morning.
Check in with yourself:

  • How am I feeling? 

  • What's coming up for me?

  • Which feelings are just about me and my personal life?

  • How do I feel about my business?

  • How do I WANT to feel today both personally & professionally?

  • What can I DO to make this happen?

When you notice that your feelings are not necessarily tied to your business, it alleviates so much pressure. It allows you to see what is valid about your processes, what's working, what's not, and make accurate data-based decisions!

If you're telling yourself there's too much going on, the likelihood that you'll show up and make sales consistently is nil. If you do not address and assess your feelings, you're going to be FROZEN in your business and not make the decisions that actually move you FORWARD.


We can't just keep pretending the world is the same as it was a month ago. I know that we feel like our audience is already hearing SO much about this pandemic and that we don’t want to add to the noise. The reality is this is affecting everyone - especially your buyers and clients.

It affects their feelings, their buying habits, what they invest in, and it has affected YOU and your sales, too. 

With this in mind, it's time to start LISTENING more than ever before. This is going to require getting more intimate with your audience. Listen to what they're saying, what they're feeling, and NOTICE what they're habits are at the moment. This is foundational to business anyway and something you should be checking in on constantly because there will always be trends. 

So for example, one of my clients is a nutritionist and she works with female hormone health. Well, one of the biggest impacts on female hormone health is stress. Guess what everyone's feeling right now? STRESSED AF. So it would be crazy for her NOT to address that. It's going to be one of her clients' main issues, not to mention a main objection to reaching their health goals.

If you can REALLY pinpoint what your current clients are struggling with now, and show HOW you understand them and can help them with that struggle, you will continue to be valuable and relevant and make sales.

If you can understand your people, you will always KILL IT. Yes, you need systems and processes, but THIS is the basis of what makes your business work.

CHECK IN TIME: How relevant are your offers to your people right this very minute?

3. Momentum: If you want to keep showing up still and making sales, you need a MF PLAN! 

You need to get laser-focused on the things that are going to bring impact and income plain and simple. This is going to decrease the overwhelm and help you EXECUTE, even when your brain capacity is limited. 

Example: If I don’t plan my workouts the chances that I’m going to make time for through-out the day is SLIM. But if I plan exactly how I'm going to show up the night before, you bet your butt I'm showing up and DOING IT simple because I’ve already made the decision ahead of time.

If you want to guarantee you’re going to create the results you want, you need a plan for how you're going to market every day, connect with your people, and help them FIND YOU, fall in love with you, and BUY from you!

Here are some questions to ask yourself to figure that out:

  • What do your people want right now? 

  • What are their biggest problems? What are their personal struggles? Is that in alignment with what you're selling already? 

  • If not, what do you need to create for them?

  • What's the best way to solve their problems?

  • What is your pathway for your clients to find you online? 

  • How often are you selling?

Take out a journal and start writing these things down NOW, like seriously right now.

The beautiful upside of this situation is; if you can get GOOD at showing up and selling now, you're going to be an unstoppable badass who’s hitting her money goals like woah, not just during this time but for YEARS to come!

Here’s the thing.

I GET that with everything that’s going on right now, having the brain space and the time to create a plan that’s going to WORK and that ensures that you spend your time focusing on the RIGHT things to get you the results your after. SO if you’re ready to get support at a time where it’s never be MORE valuable to have someone in your corner to help you continue to make money and even grow, I'd love nothing more than to talk to you about where you want to go in your business and how I can help you make that happen.

Remember loves, what we choose to focus on is really going to determine the future of your business. Now is the time to focus on your success like you never have before.

With love always,


SalesLauren TaylarComment