The 5 Biggest Money Making Myths
Loves, it’s high time we talk about what’s keeping you stuck at your current income level and how you can shift the F out of it FAST.
Here’s what I know to be true after supporting a TON of women to start and scale purpose-driven businesses over the last two years:
There are 5 Money Making Myths that I see SO many intelligent women buy into that end up keeping them stuck from moving forward in their business.
Not to fret, my pet. I’m about to share with you what those myths are so that you can identify where they might be popping up in your business and show you how you can easily move past them to quickly increase your income, and build an aligned purposeful and massively profitable business!
You ready?
1. You need MORE offers to make MORE money
NOPE. Not true at all loves.
I have TWO main offers - TWO. From these two offers alone, I’ve been able to scale to multiple 6 figures in less than two years. Here’s how: Decide what your thing is and be willing to stick with it and work it until it works so well it basically runs itself.
Here’s what I see ALL DAMN DAY:
You create an offer. You try to sell that for a few weeks or months, it doesn’t work out exactly the way you want it to, and so you pivot and start offering something else. That’s how you end up creating SO much more work for yourself.
Even if you could sell something cheaper and more “easily”, 9 times out of 10 that isn’t actually getting you to your income goals strategically and intentionally because you’re creating more work for yourself and making decisions out of scarcity and fear.
Here’s why we’re so tempted to stick to one thing until it’s working SO well it basically sells itself: It’s a whole lot harder to do the mindset work, believe in what we’re doing, and have the patience to stay the course than it is to pivot from one thing to another.
BUT if you want to scale simply, you’re in it for the long run and you’re keen to make MORE MONEY doing LESS WORK then THIS step is key!
2. “It’s not working fast enough”
FACT - you CAN get really good results really fast. I hit $10k in less than 10 weeks into my business and my clients are blowing my results out of the water! I have a client that had her first $5k WEEK after TWO sessions with me. Another client recently hit her first $10k in four weeks in and has LITERALLY doubled her income every single month ever since (we’re 8 months into our work so I’ll let YOU do that math).
So, let’s let it be known that you can 1,000,000% hit a crazy income month really fast.
BUT (here’s the tricky bit) just because you don't hit 10k in 2.2 seconds doesn't mean what you’re doing is not working.
Read that line again!
There will always be a time gap between when you launch something and when people buy it. This is why mindset is so important – you HAVE to be intentional about what stories you’re telling yourself about what’s working, what’s not working and the way strategy works is there is a time gap that allows accurate data on what you’re doing (so you can test and tweak going forward)!
So HOW do you reach those crazy income months?
Find a strategy that leverages your strengths, makes sense for your audience and is something you enjoy. Then get support to keep your mind in check so that you can stay the course and improve what you're doing until it works so seamlessly, it’s like a well-oiled machine. (Easier said than done but this is HOW you create results FAST and create consistent income once you’re there!)
3. “I’ll be able to do ____once I hit_______.”
That’s just not how it works loves. It’s never true that we get what we want by holding off on taking action. If you really believed that you would get what you wanted, like three new clients this month, you wouldn’t wait. You’d just DO THE THING. You’d hire the VA, the graphic designer, the OBM, the coach….
Your action and the belief must ALWAYS come before the result. That’s HOW you create it right? It’s basic manifestation, it’s how you signal that you’re actually in belief about what you think is true, and it’s just how life works! Saying you’ll wait until you sign your next client or hit a 5k month to hire support is like saying you’ll start working out at the gym once you lose 5 pounds. Not how it works, right?
You can't hire support (i.e. a VA or OBM) AFTER you're oversubscribed. Just like if you're wanting to hire a coach so that you can book more clients and scale, waiting to book more clients or make x amount before you hire support simply does not make sense.
Here’s the bonus point on this one:
Mastering THIS is a prerequisite of being a really badass and successful business owner. Because when you do get to this level of trust in yourself so that you can BACK your decisions 100% and take calculated risks, you literally become UNSTOPPABLE.
Ask yourself this to move forward fast: “What am I telling myself I’ll do ONCE I hit X income level?” THIS is what’s keeping you STUCK at the level you’re at and this is the thing to take action on NOW.
4- It’s always going to be this hard.
Do things feel hard at the beginning? Of course they do. Creating content that connects and converts on repeat used to feel HARD AF for me. Now I get messages DAILY about how much my blogs, livestreams, and DIY programs have changed my people’s (you!) businesses and lives on the daily and I LOVE creating content for my people.
But you wanna know HOW I got there?
By doing it!
The way it gets easier is by working it until it feels easy.
When you’re changing strategies, hopping from offer to offer, and not giving yourself time and permission to get REALLY GOOD at the activities you need to do to grow your business, you’re shooting yourself in the foot and you’re making it HARDER for yourself.
If discovery calls feel uncomfortable to you right now, THAT’S OKAY. If creating content right now for you feels hard THAT’S OKAY and you’re not doing it wrong. If your sales process feels sticky and you feel like you’re not converting people THAT’S OKAY, this is fabulous information to know what you need to focus on mastering and the direction as to what you need to put your energy and attention to!
It’s so important to know that it’s not ALWAYS going to feel as hard as it does in the beginning. And it’s NOT BAD if it does feel hard (it doesn’t mean it’s not ‘right’) for you it just means you need to get better at doing it!
Every process in my business that now feels super simple once felt hard. If something feels hard right now, it’s a perfect indication that you need to go all in on it, get support, and figure out how to make it feel more easeful for you.
Learning THIS (how to not run away from discomfort) is how you become a badass money-making machine!! (PROMISE!)
5- It hasn’t happened yet so it might not be possible.
This is one of the biggest ones I see!!
We often have so many beliefs around what’s possible for us and we tend to put way too much focus on deciding that future possibility from what we’ve done in the past.
LOVES- that’s called a logical fallacy.. (Philosophy nerd in me LOVES this shit!)
It’s like saying “Well, I've never graduated Uni before so I guess that means I can't.” OR “I've never driven before so I guess I'm a no to that going forward.” When we don’t believe XYZ is possible, it MASSIVELY hinders our ability to move forward and stay the course. When we focus on the idea that it can’t happen, we end up manifesting that as a result.
F THAT SHIT. It's now how life works. We must always believe we can HAVE the thing before it looks possible. When I started this business I believed that I could hit $10k months and reach 6 figures, even after MANY failures. And I took action ON that belief (before it was true) by investing in myself, my team and business. And that’s HOW it became true.
So, I want you to try this:
Write out at least 3 things you've accomplished that you never thought you could before and show your cute little brain proof that it's a done deal! BE the 1%. You didn't start a business to be like everyone else so stop pretending that those rules apply to you.
Decide on what outcome you want, commit to your belief by taking a step in that direction (HINT: this means taking scary AF action)
Loves, I hope you can see that THIS WORK is literally HOW you get to scale your business simply and sustainably.
I’d love for you to take some time out this week and really SIT with each of these 5 Myths, decide where you need to re-write the story and commit to some of the above action steps to make that happen.
If you want to learn more about how you can apply this to your business so that you can increase your income, sign clients on repeat and strategically scale, book a coaching consultation below.
I’d LOVE nothing more than to chat with you to help you figure out a game plan on how to scale simply and easily and make more money doing what you love!