How to *Actually* Bring in Hot Leads and Convert Your Next Client This Week

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I want to tell you something that you may find annoying, triggering even. I’ve been in the online space for a long time now, I’ve been self-employed for 7 years and here’s what I know to be true – the steps, the how-to, the how we ACTUALLY sign clients isn’t that hard!

It’s not rocket science….a successful business is about building relationships and staying in integrity by practicing what you preach.

And when you have those basic steps down signing clients is not that hard. BUT what you do need to know is that if there were just one simple strategy that we could all employ and become billionaires, everyone online would be making a billion dollars right now. So, I have to be real with you - finding success online is not just about following the steps.

It’s really about getting out of our own damn way, filtering through the BS in our brains that stopping us from doing the things, executing them in a way that’s going to work, and doing them with the right energy to be able to create what we want. How?

Well for starters we need: 

1) The RIGHT messaging & Content

If you’re not able to explain in a super basic way HOW your service solves your ideal client’s problems or if you're struggling to articulate that in a way that makes them feel borderline creeped out that you're literally in their's gonna be REAL hard for them to take the next step with you (and you'll struggle to sign clients).

AND if you're not able to show up in a way that's genuinely authentic to YOU and shows your people WHY YOU are the best person to help them - they'll FEEL that vibe and they'll be signing up with health coach Sharon instead.

Say you're speaking to how you help your people eat healthy and how easy it can be to make their own farmers markets meals, but all your people really want to hear is how to just lose some damn weight, you can get in front of them all day everyday but it's never going to land.

You must be willing to lead with and speak to what your people actually want. How?

Ask yourself these three questions:

  • Why you? Why should someone YOU opposed to someone else?

  • What specific problem does your offer solve? Get real specific and make sure it actually lines up with were your clients are at with their level of awareness and mentality around the problem.

  • What do your people want more than anything. Also, hire me and I'll help you nail each of these 😊

2) Your Game Plan & Marketing strategy: Go DEEP not Wide

SO many people focus so much on trying to get in front of more people when what is actually going to pay off (and convert) faster is nurturing the relationships with the people that are already in front of you NOW! 

When I started this business I was working 10 – 15 hour weeks and I was able to scale to 5-figure months doing that. I hit 6 figures with less than 350 people in this group. I’m not saying that to brag, but to show you that you don’t have to do all of the things to see results. The reason I saw success was because I simplified my strategy, got intentional with creating a plan and was committed to following it.

I’ve been in my group pretty much daily because I love connecting with my people in my group. It’s my strategy.

If you’re not signing clients consistently and you're not booked up, I’m willing to bet it’s because you’re trying to go too wide and not deep enough in your strategy. I have a client who, before she even launched an offer, sold four private packages of her high-end program. No Instagram, no Facebook and without ever publicly advertising it, she sold 4 packages because she went deep with the connections she already had.

Another client with a fairly modest social media audience, just had a $5k week because she was able to get in front of the people she’d already built a connection with and went deeper with her strategy instead of going wide.

If you’re genuinely serious about signing a client by next week, you need to go deeper in your strategy.

How do you go deeper with the people already in front of you?

Think of how you CONNECT with your people:
Are you engaging with them the way you want them to engage with you? Are you so focused on the sale you're forgetting what really matters (building that relationship)? Talk to your people & ask them what they want, then make STEP 1 of that for free and then sell them on the next step.

3) The Belief

If you think that your reach on Facebook sucks, that no one is seeing you post on Instagram or that everyone on social media is just trying to sell to you - the likelihood that you're going to show up powerfully, open and that you'll consistently take the required action to build relationships is low loves.

Imagine if you believed that there was no point in you showing up at the gym because you weren’t going to see results anyway. It’d be almost impossible for you to show up - and it’d be impossible for you to see results.

Your belief, mindset and energy are ESSENTIAL to you making money online. It's the thing that draws in your soulmate clients and it's the thing that makes someone read your words and know straight away that they NEED you in their life. I see it TIME and time again with my clients. The moment they shift their beliefs on something, it comes true.

One of my clients who has scaled to six figures in six months, has scaled to over $200k now, booked in over $85 in the next 3 months and 18 months ago, she would have never thought this was possible. She expanded her belief and her results expanded because of that. Here is PROOF in spades my loves that what you believe in ALWAYS determines your results and reality.

Here’s another example:

She recently sent a proposal to a client and she was very convinced the client was going to say no to it. We were talking about why the client wasn’t ready to go forward and I asked her to read me the response. I wanted to know exactly what she said. Get this:
she went back to reread it, and she TOTALLY missed the sentence where the client said “That sounds amazing! I’d love to continue to work with you.”

My client was so set on her client saying no, she blatantly missed the client saying “yes, I want to work with you.” If that’s not proof that we will always and forever see what we want to see I don’t know what is!

The moment you SHIFT YOUR BELIEF is the moment that what you want comes to you!

What’s Next?

You can absolutely go and apply these strategies and get results. The hard part is – will you ACTUALLY do it? This is the higher-level broad strategy, it can work for you but you gotta know how to execute it properly AND, if I'm totally honest you, probably need some accountability to DO IT consistently (because we’re #human).

Not sure how to create a content marketing strategy? Wanna know how to create content that is intentional and leads people to work with you? LOVES it’s yo’ lucky day as the doors are open to Content Connections & Conversions!

Ready to launch quickly, turn your purpose into profit, start signing your DREAM clients (with a system to make that happen on repeat)?

Then love.. this is your sign to hop on a clarity call, secure the deal of a lifetime and actually start doing the work you're meant to do!

These calls are zero pressure BUT the Mastermind spots are going quick so if you're even a tiny bit interested now is not the time to hesitate, it's the time to jump. (I'm little but I promise to catch ya ;)

AND- for the next 48 hours I’m offering a BONUS 1:1 private coaching call ($600 value) to those of you that book a call if we decide this is a good fit. 

I can't wait to support you, speak to you and be celebrating YOU and your lucky ass clients that you'll be supporting in literally weeks from now!

SalesLauren TaylarComment