Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to my MULTIPLE 5-Figure Launch!
Hello, Lovelies!
I’ve been celebrating two things lately: my BIGGEST sales month ever in business and my very first multiple 5 figure launch!!
Today, I want to share with you HOW I did it. There were some MAJOR mindset shifts involved, serious strategy in place, and BIG actions I took to create these results.
These tips are quite frankly the THREE biggest things that you could ever do to massively amplify your results!
Let’s start with one of the most critical factors: MINDSET
At the very beginning of this launch, I made a critical promise to myself:
I committed to NOT draw any conclusions about the success of my launch until it was over. FULL STOP.
And at no point during the launch, did I allow my brain to go down a belief spiral or thought process of “is this working?”.
Why? When you do this, FEAR thoughts pop up like:
“Am I getting in front of enough people?”, “What if people don’t sign up?”, “No one booked a call, that means I’m not doing the right things.”
And THAT is a slippery slippery slope loves!
I didn’t allow my brain to go anywhere near those thoughts. Instead, I focused on beliefs that would empower me and support me to continue to take the RIGHT action to create the result I wanted.
So instead I leaned into:
“It’s not over until it’s over.” AND “The success of this launch is inevitable, so I don’t need to monitor, judge, decide, or make any conclusions before the launch is over.”
Here’s why this is vitally important: not only are these thoughts annoying, stressful, and make us feel like we’re on a rollercoaster but as we know your thoughts will always dictate the actions you take.
Let’s say you have a launch running from Monday to Friday. By Thursday, you haven’t reached your goal, and you start going down the spiral of “Why isn’t it happening? What’s the point in trying?”. If you do this, you will not find clever and creative ways to change those results around. You will give up before the end of the launch is even there.
Many people I’ve worked with and spoken to agree that many sales occur the last day or hour of your launch. If you’re giving up before then, you’re losing out on 90% of possible sales.
Want proof?
My last official sale came through a WEEK after doors closed, and the reason that came through was that I didn’t give up on my decision that it was going to happen.
I held the faith that it was STILL all working out for me and my highest good and that the universe was conspiring to get me what I wanted. And it did.
It would have been REALLY easy for me to conclude that the launch was officially over and to throw in the belief towel.
Instead, I committed to doing everything I needed to do to keep the mindset that my success is inevitable during the entirety of the launch - which enabled me to take strategic action to enable me to create incredible results!
Practicing faith is an extreme exercise in self-trust, it’s how you become empowered to cultivate an unshakeable mindset that creates the results that you want.
The Second Factor that led to my successful launch was: My determination to make decisions with the LONG GAME in mind
Full Transparency First (as always): this was NOT my first launch.
It’s the second time I’ve run this mastermind, and before that, I’ve launched many programs in my old business. In fact, I started planning this program over a year ago.
And THAT’S why it not only worked so well but worked with me only having to work 8 FT days and with more ease than I honestly ever imagined possible for a launch.
I never make decisions because of personal reasons or immediate scarcity. I am intentional and strategic, and I play the long game because it helps me get better at getting the results I want, and it makes it easier to add in additional income.
The first time you launch your signature program is always going to be harder. You’re figuring out all the moving pieces of a launch – what your audience likes, what they’re responding to, the best sales process, and the list goes on.
With each round and each launch, you get better at this process, and the launch gets easier and easier. (Just like anything else right?)
By the time this launch rolled around, I had course materials, marketing materials, and my sales process on LOCKDOWN..
That allowed me to focus my energy purely on how I was feeling and showing up for my people. I was able to get more innovative and have FUN. I tried new innovative strategies in the lead up and most importantly I was SUPER excited about it. I enjoyed the process, and that energy always translates.
Here’s the catch:
Most people aren’t willing to do this.
Because most people are thinking about what brings in the most money now- as in yesterday.
They’re operating from a place of scarcity, or just not taking a bigger picture look at their business. They aren’t strategic about where they want it to go and how they want to scale.
The sooner you start to play the long game and focus on your foundations, the sooner you can set up your processes, and the easier it will be to scale and build without doing more work.
This is why I advocate setting up the foundation of your business - FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Once you nail down your marketing process, sales process, how you love to show up and communicate with your people. Once you know that, you can replicate it in a variety of ways and that my loves, is scaling done simply and intelligently!
The third thing that led to my epic launch success was: STRATEGY
TRUTH: I didn’t wake up yesterday and decide to launch a group program because my one-on-one wasn’t selling. (I’m being a bit cheeky, but it’s something that I see SO OFTEN.)
When you create from a place of scarcity or when you’re trying to get a quick win under your belt, it’s going to be harder to make it work in the first place and even if it DOES work, it’s gonna be near impossible to replicate.
The thing is…
Business is not rocket science, it’s just not.
But you do need to be willing to get really good at doing the basic foundational things in your business. The things that help you draw in audience members, bring new people in towards you, create trust, create value, create connection, and convert.
It’s that simple; the hard part is staying patient in that process until you nail it - because it’s not exactly sexy AND because your mind is gonna wanna convince you to jump ship the second it starts to look like “it’s not working”.
Ya know what IS SEXY?
Big launch numbers and fast growth.
And they’re possible when you’re willing to commit to the foundations.
I reached six figures real quick and I have clients who reach six figures much faster than I did because they gave themselves permission to do the mindset work to get locked in on their foundations and got really good at, not only at their craft but at the marketing skills they needed to build up a successful business.
That’s how you scale, simply. Once you nail the foundations, you get to test, tweak, and change a little bit and relaunch things that work really well from the get-go.
So, now you know the three simple things that led to my largest month ever.
Which of these three factors do you need to focus on most now?
Because I promise you, if you’re not filling up your programs or getting the results you want, then you’re not doing one of these three things (said with love).
So share with us below so we can support you!
I am not a magical unicorn, this is 100% possible for you, too. I’m just willing to do the work, commit to the uncomfortable things, and bet on myself to make it happen. And that always pays off tenfold.
If that’s something that you KNOW you need to lean into more and you’re wanting to get support to create these kind of results in your business, I’d love to support you!
My 1:1 coaching spots are highly limited and there is typically a waitlist to work with me SO…
If you’d like to find out what’s possible for you when you get the right support in your business and if you’re ready to nail your foundations, scale simply and get really good at managing your mind, I am by far the best person to help you with that and this is your sign to reach on out!
then book in a time here to chat.
Can’t wait to speak with you soon!